Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Albert Einstein once said "The only source of knowledge is experience". This quote stuck to me, not only did Albert Einstein say it but my grandmother as well. When I first heard this, it really gave a new look onto things. As a teenager, I immediately thought drugs. I thought, "I learn about drugs and the consequences of taking them in health but I will really not know until I try". While thinking that, I still did not take any drugs. Why try something that I KNOW will have a bad income. On the other hand, I wanted to see how it would feel to get drunk so I did. It was the worst experience of my life. I got into trouble, I could not remember anything, I was not in control of my own body. I do not regret the experience because I now know what my limit is and the taste of alcohol is disgusting. Lastly, I am a teenager, what am I doing drinking alcohol? I would have never known any of this because and probably kept on drinking a little bit, damaging my body. This opened my eyes and made me take into consideration on others around me, because they were all affected in one or another that same night as well. Now taking that quote into something more legal, it made me want to go and try out sports I never played before. I did not want to ever say to myself, "I wish I would have done that". Also without taking the chance I would never know if my body could handle it or if I would end up liking it. I believe what Einstein is trying to say is you can read all you want to about things but unless you give it a chance you will never fully know, you will not know how it make you feel, what you can learn from it, or that giving it try can lead to bigger and better things. And it is okay to make mistakes, that is life. In the end, we learn from our mistakes, and if we do not, they will keep coming back until we do. In Albert Einstein's case, as a scientist, they have to test theories in order for them to know if they work. They will never know unless they try because it will remain a theory, something not proved, and nothing more. Scientist learn based on numerous test with fails and achievements. At the end of the day, they have gained more information on the theory than they did before which can lead them closer to their main goal. 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Oscar Wilde once said "to live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all." Many people who just exist are the ones who are doing the same thing constantly without going into the world thinking of something new to try or learn. For example, a business women, gets out of bed, gets dressed, gets the usual cup of coffee, sits at her desk, does not do anything less then what she is supposebto do but not anything more, goes home, takes a shower, then sleeps. No excitment at all with the daily routine. Most people can fed up and feel like there life as no meaning or they are waisting valuable time. This quote is almos a challenge to those who are just existing, not getting their dosage of life vitamins. Those who are living get a new experience, a new way of thinking if they are open and willing to do other things. To even start off as small as trying a new restaurant for lunch. This can be a small step, but it will eventually lead to having a wider comfort zone. Living is widening that comfort zone, experiencing new things, gaining new knowledge. I also believe Oscar Wilde has his rules,rules to what living means and does nt mean. To me, living does not mean to walk blind folded across a main street where cars are frequently passing by. This can just get someone killed. Living does not mean for a young teenagers to be under the influence of numerous substances to have a good time. Living does not necessarily portray to how others see someone or how they think one should be doing with their life. It is within, something sparks a light inside and a feeling overcomes within. For example, living is falling in love, traveling, experiencing new cultures, learning about new religions and learning new languages. A main point to this is experiencing. The best way to learn is through experience. Someone wants to learn how to live? Experience. This will then lead to a comfort zone bigger than one can imagine and one can be surprised how much they can tolerate or how their knowledge expanded. There is nothing wrong for a daily routine but there is unknown wisdom that is not being discovered. Why not get that feeling that there is meaning to life? The days are not being wasted. If one does not go out and try new things, help others, do what brings happiness to the heart, they can not find the meaning of life or their purpose here on Earth. Oscar Wilde and I both encourage and challenge to get out there and live. Try something new out the ordinary day and step out of the comfort zone.